Our Community


We’re so glad you joined us. Coffee + Creatives is an informal meetup group & set of resources based in Albuquerque’s near downtown area – the group includes artists, musicians, gallery owners, writers, filmmakers, designers, web developers, and an array of other creative entrepreneurs. If that’s you, here are a few ways to get involved…

  • Post a job, gig, or funding opportunity for creatives
  • Drop by the meetup group to get feedback on a specific problem or idea, it happens every other Tuesday from 6pm to 7:30pm at Zendo Coffee (413 2nd St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102)
  • Introduce yourself on the FB group and ask for a quick review of your resume, website, or let people know what types of gigs/jobs you are looking for
  • Share events, a good read, or a question you are working through that other creatives may have grappled with

Coffee + Creatives is an active community with a regularly updated Facebook group and email newsletter, and while we encourage you to get feedback and take advantage of resources, we also ask that you spend some time giving back to others.


*** IF YOU ARE A SERVICE PROVIDER, RECRUITER, OR YOU HOST EVENTS (e.g. gallery, accelerator, music venue, brewery, etc) please see the specific section labeled below, and contact one of the admins to introduce yourself before posting. ***

Community Info and Guidelines